RSA Plaza
Completed in 1990. The smallest and the first of the Retirement Systems rental office endeavors, but the one over which most of the wars were fought. Given how much RSA investments have improved our downtown, it’s hard to believe that this one was vigorously opposed by the Mayor, the Governor, […]

RSA Plaza

Elevator Clip Art
As the prospect of $100 Million in office building construction pervaded the elevator industry, all the major manufacturers began to scramble to be sure their product would be considered. Certainly the RSA Union and Tower together would be the most significant elevator work in Alabama for 1993.  I had been […]

RSA Union – The Elevator Ride

RSA Union and Deck
By almost any standard, the RSA Union was a huge building.  It was to be nine stories high (plus basement), with floor plates of 40,000 square feet.  That produces a building of 400,000 square feet of floor area.  It was 25-percent larger than the ACC, which previously was the largest […]

RSA Union – The Concept

Union Clipping
By 1991 the success and acceptance of Dr. Bronner’s initial round of buildings, the RSA Plaza and the Alabama Center for Commerce, had completely changed the political chemistry of the city.  Governor Guy Hunt, who had previously fought with Bronner, now offered him the full support of the State.  Mayor […]

RSA Union – Political Deals

Union Street Washers
Right up front I admit that our dealings with the City on this round ran much smoother than before, especially with our supposed champion and liaison, Roy Boudreaux, in the equation.  However, that does not say that things ran perfectly. Because the Union project was in the initial thrust of […]

RSA Union – Encounters With The City

PSC Commissioners
The array of state agency tenants in the Union was much more impressive than those in the RSA Plaza.  With the green light from the Governor’s Office, Bronner had little difficulty in lining up a stellar group.  Among the anticipated occupants were the State Purchasing Department, the State Comptroller, the […]

RSA Union – Impressive Tenants