…is an independent nonsectarian private school located at 6010 Vaughn Road. It serves over 1,000 students, and this is its administrative building, situated at the head of a 25 acre campus. The school was founded in 1955 by Dr Stanley Frazer, pastor of St James Methodist Church, then located on South Court at its intersection with Edgemont Ave. Frazer began by adding elementary grades to the church pre-school program, and by 1974 the school had graduated its first high school senior class. Around 1970, under Dr. Frazer’s passionate leadership, the school purchased the Tyson property on Country Club Drive and relocated all but the lower elementary grades onto the new campus. Within a score of years, STJ outgrew its modest facilities on the “Frazer Campus”, and moved to its new site out on Vaughn Road. All four of my girls graduated from St James/Frazer, and my wife served on its Board of Directors.
-Charles Humphries